Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis

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The complete correlation & spectroscopy analysis software solution for microscopy

Go from microscopy to spectral analysis in a single workflow

The new Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis provides a comprehensive, powerful solution to process, combine, and analyze images and data from various microscopic techniques. Designed to make your lab more efficient, you can do it all in a single interface:

  • Spectral Processing and Analysis
  • Spectral Map and Image Processing
  • Correlative Analysis
  • 3D Visualization of 2D Compositional Data

Users can even take their analysis a step further by sending spectra to Wiley's KnowItAll software* to search against spectral libraries for further investigation.

Comprehensive, integrated tools for efficient analysis

Flexible, vendor neutral technology for easy integration

Gain key insights faster with a single workflow

Comprehensive Compound Coverage.


Powerful toolsets designed to ensure you can thoroughly process and analyze your surface images.

Trusted Data from a Trusted Source.


Supports multiple file & instrument formats, so even if you change instruments or microscopes, your workflow remains intact.

Supports Multiple MS Instruments & Vendor Formats.


Go direct from microscopy to spectral analysis —all within a single workflow to reach conclusions faster. 

Supported techniques include:

  • Raman
  • TERS
  • IR
  • nanoIR
  • fluorescence
  • photoluminescence
  • cathodoluminescence
  • EDX/EDS and XPS
  • With adds-ons for SEM, SPM, Particle Analysis, Profilometry

See compatibility tab for listings of supported formats. 


* Requires license to KnowItAll software and libraries.


Below are further details on all the features included in each package.

Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic Package

Key Features

⇒ Spectral Processing and Analysis

  • Visualize and analyze spectral series and hyperspectral images
  • Create spectral maps from user selected spectral bands
  • Generate parameter maps
  • Apply multivariate analysis to find significant spectra and their distribution
  • Processing methods include: baseline corrections, filtering, peak fitting
  • One-button-click to send spectra into KnowItAll IDExpert* for database searching including Raman, IR (FTIR, ATR, NIR) and UV-Vis

*Requires license to KnowItAll software and libraries.

Spectral Map and Image Processing

  • Process spectral maps for Raman, cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence, fluorescence, EDX/EDS (energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) and EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy)
  • Processing methods for spectral maps include: color mixing of layers, adjust image noise, adjust transparency between layers
  • Processing methods for images include: apply visual corrections and enhancements, smoothing, remove artifacts

Correlative Analysis

  • Associate images and spectral maps from a single instrument or multiple instruments (Raman, EDS/EDX, cathodoluminescence, fluorescence, etc.)
  • Adjoin information from different sources into a single, multifaceted dataset

Figure: Correlation of 2D microscopy images into a 3D visualization.

3D Visualization of 2D Compositional Data

  • Create 3D visualizations of 2D chemical maps by associating microscopy images or topography data

Add-Ons: Product Enhancements & Support for Additional Microscopies

Support for alternative microscopes is available with the following add-ons. See 

SEM Add-On

Provides support for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images:

    • Group colorization of features
    • Image corrections and enhancements
    • Accurate height and surface roughness calculations
    • Generate 3D rendering from images
    • Associate EDX/EDS data to images

Figure: SEM colorization of particles using SEM add-on functionality

SPM Add-On

SPM enables support for scanning probe microscopy (STM, AFM, etc.) file formats and multi-channel data:

    • Advanced processing (line-by-line leveling, spatial filter, surface division, tip deconvolution, line correction, multiplane leveling)
    • Math function operators

Figure: Step height analysis using SPM add-on

Particle Analysis Add-On

Particle Analysis provides a comprehensive toolset for analyzing particles, pores, grains, islands, etc., on structured surfaces:

    • Feature detection based on different segmentation principles
    • Group particles based on shape, height, or size
    • Calculate spherical caps
    • Colorization

Figure: Particle Analysis add-on

Profile Extension Add-On*

Adds support for profilometry, including:

    • Calculate roughness and surface texture
    • Data corrections (outliers, defects and noise)
    • Analyze surface geometry

*Only available as an add-on for Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis Enhanced Edition (more information provided below)

Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition

A premium Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition package is also available.

It includes the features found in the basic package plus these add-ons:

  • Particle Analysis and SPM add-ons (see details above)
  • Chemical Cubes add-on:
    Full visualization and analysis of multi-channel cubes for compositional data:

    • Associate tomography and chemical analysis of materials in full 3D
    • Access to a wide range of visualization and animation settings for the 3D cube
    • Extract slices as color images
    • Produce particle and grain statistics

      Figure: Generated 3D multi-channel cube


Package Comparison

 Basic PackageEnhanced Edition
Support for Various TechniquesRaman, TERS, IR, nanoIR, fluorescence, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, EDX/EDS, XRFXX
Hyperspectral image supportRaman, IR, UV-VisXX
SPMForce Microscopy (AFM, STM)Add-OnX
Particle AnalysisToolkit for images containing particle shapesAdd-OnX
Chemical Cubes3D multichannel cube generation from 2D dataNot AvailableX
Profiler ExtensionProfilometryNot AvailableAdd-On
KnowItAll Software & LibrariesNOTE: Relevant KnowItAll spectral databases currently supported in this workflow: IR, Raman, UV-VisAdd-OnAdd-On


Supports a wide range of file formats for seamless integration into your current workflow 

The Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic Package supports the following file formats.

Attolight: Cathodoluminescence hypercubes
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR (*.axd, *.axz)
Bruker: Spectra and Hypercubes (*.0)
CS Instruments (*.nao)
Delmic: HDF5 Hypercubes (*.h5)
Edax: SPD Hypercubes (*.spd)
Flexible Image Transport System: Photon Etc (*.fits)
Gatan: Digital Micrograph 3 and 4 (*.dm3, *.dm4)
Harris Geospatial: ENVI software files (*.hdr)
Horiba: LabSpec 6 software files (*.h5, *.hdf5)
IGOR Wavemetrix: IBW (*.ibw)
Leica: Image file (*.lif, *.xlef, *.xlif, *.xllf, *.xlcf)
NT-MDT: Raman Hypercubes (*.mdt)
Oxford Instruments (Witec): H5OIWT (*.ardf, *.h5, *.hdf5, *.h5ebsd, *.h5oina, *.h5oiwt)
Photothermal (CytoSpec): ASCII file for mIRage (*.hvi)
Specs: 3DS Hypercubes (*.3ds)
Thermo Fisher: Advantage (*.vgd)
Thermo Fisher: Galactic (*.spc)
Thermo Fisher: OMNICxi MAPX file (*.mapx)
Tokyo Instruments (*.smd, *.s1d)
Scanning Electron Microscopes
Medical Research Council, UK: MRC (*.mrc, *.map)
Zeiss: Evo, Sigma, Merlin (*.sem3d, *.czi, *.zvi)
Generic & Other Manufacturing formats
Generic text file (ASCII, Unicode): 1D, 2D, 3D support. Note: Upon opening, a dialog will appear to specify how the data in the file is organized (*.txt, *.asc, *.dat)
Generic CSV format (*.csv)
Mountains: profiles and surfaces (*.pro, *.sur)
OBJ format(*.obj)
Omicron: SCALA (*.par)
Omicron: Matrix (*.mtrx, *_mtrix)
Polygon File format (*.ply)
STL/Triangulated surfaces (Stereo Lithography Format): An STL studiable can be imported as a shell or as a surface (*.stl)
Universal data file (SDF) (*.sdf)
Image formats
Windows Bitmap image (*.bmp)
EMF image (*.emf)
GIF image (*.gif)
JPEG image (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
PNG image (*.png)
TIFF image (*.tif, *.tiff)
TIFF surface (*.tif, *.tiff)
WMF image (*.wmf)

Support for the file formats listed below is included for SPM add-on, when paired to the main configuration of Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis.

2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact)
Digital Surf (*.pro, *.sur, *.spro, *.ssur, *.disc)
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes
NanoSystem: NanoView WLI (*.spm)
Scanning Probe Microscopes
AFMWorkshop (*.csv, *.wsf)
Agilent Technologies/Keysight: All AFMs, PicoMap (*.stp, *.mi, *.ivs)
Anfatec Instruments AG (*.txt)
Attocube (*.bcrf, *.bcr)
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR, AFM, SNOM (*.axd, *.axz)
APE Research (*.dat)
CSM Instruments/Anton Paar: NanoIndenter (*.sis)
Gwyddion: GSF Format (simple Fields), GWY format, DUMP format (*.gsf, *.gwy, *.dump)
Hitachi: Finetech AFM (*.afm, *.afp)
Image Metrology: BCR-STM format (*.bcr)
JPK: surfaces (*.jpk, *.jpk-qi-image, *.force)
JPK: force surves (*.jpk-force, *.jpk-force-map, *.jpk-qi-data)
Nanonics: MultiView (*.nan)
Nanonis: DAT (*.dat, *.sxm)
Nanoscan: PPMS-AFM (*.xml)
Nanosurf: Nanite, EasyScan, Nanosurf Report (*.ezd, *.nid)
NT-MDT: NTegra, Solver (*.mdt)
Omicron (*.flat)
Oxford Instruments (*.hdf5, *.ardf, *.h5ebsde, *.h5oina)
Park Systems/PSIA: XE series, PS-PTT (*.tif, *.ps-ppt)
Quesant/Ambios: Q-Scope (*.afm, *.txt)
RHK (*.sm3, *.sm4)
SII Nanotechnology: Nanopics, SPA-Series (*.xqt)

Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition supports the file formats listed above for the main product configuration, plus these additional formats.

Igor Binary Wave (*.ibw)
Specs: 3DS Hypercubes (*.3ds)
2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact)
Digital Surf (*.pro, *.sur, *.spro, *.ssur, *.disc)
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes
NanoSystem: NanoView WLI (*.spm)
Scanning Probe Microscopes
AFMWorkshop (*.csv, *.wsf)
Agilent Technologies/Keysight: All AFMs, PicoMap (*.stp, *.mi, *.ivs)
Anfatec Instruments AG (*.txt)
Attocube (*.bcrf, *.bcr)
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR, AFM, SNOM (*.axd, *.axz)
APE Research (*.dat)
CSM Instruments/Anton Paar: NanoIndenter (*.sis)
Gwyddion: GSF Format (simple Fields), GWY format, DUMP format (*.gsf, *.gwy, *.dump)
Hitachi: Finetech AFM (*.afm, *.afp)
Image Metrology: BCR-STM format (*.bcr)
JPK: surfaces (*.jpk, *.jpk-qi-image, *.force)
JPK: force surves (*.jpk-force, *.jpk-force-map, *.jpk-qi-data)
Nanonics: MultiView (*.nan)
Nanonis: DAT (*.dat, *.sxm)
Nanoscan: PPMS-AFM (*.xml)
Nanosurf: Nanite, EasyScan, Nanosurf Report (*.ezd, *.nid)
NT-MDT: NTegra, Solver (*.mdt)
Omicron (*.flat)
Oxford Instruments (*.hdf5, *.ardf, *.h5ebsde, *.h5oina)
Park Systems/PSIA: XE series, PS-PTT (*.tif, *.ps-ppt)
Quesant/Ambios: Q-Scope (*.afm, *.txt)
RHK (*.sm3, *.sm4)
SII Nanotechnology: Nanopics, SPA-Series (*.xqt)

Support for the file formats listed below is included for Profiler Extension add-on, when paired to the Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition.

2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact)
Accretech/TSK: Surfcom Series (*.rs3, *.s3d)
Ametek: see Taylor Hobson below
Digital Metrology: Omnisurf software (*.sig)
Hommel-Etamic/Hommelwerke: Wavespeed, Turbo Profil software, T8000, NanoSwing, HommelMap (*.pip, *.top, *.hwp, *.hwh, *.xml)
KLA-Tencor: P-16+, P-Series, Alpha-Step IQ, Alpha-Step 500, Nanopics, Apex (*.3dd, *.dat, *.rwb, *.rwt, *.map, *.amb, *.xml, *.wli)
Mahr: Perthometer Concept (*.pcd, *.prf)
Mitaka Kohki: NH series, MitakaMap (*.am2, *.am3)
Mitutoyo: SV-Series, CS-Series (*.udf, *.sja, *.rcb, *.pra)
NanoFocus: LaserScan, µScan, µSoft (*.oms, *.nms, *.sur)
Nikon: Nexiv VMR (*.csv, *.asc)
Optimet: ConoScan (*.job)
Scantron: ProScan (*.prn)
Somicronic/Hommel: SurfaScan (*.pro, *.mes)
Taylor Hobson: TalySurf CLI, Form TalySurf Series, Ultra software, TalyMap, TalyProfile, TalyScan, Surtronic, TalyStep, Nanostep, PGI Novus (*.map, *.mod, *.prf, *.pro, *.sur, *.str, *.sth)
UBM: MicroFocus (*.ub2, *.ub3, *.ua2, *.ua3)
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes
4D Technology (*.h5)
ADE Phase Shift/KLA-Tencor: MicroXAM (*.map, *.mat)
Alicona: InfiniteFocus, MeX (*.al3d, *.alrl3d)
Helicon: Focus variation files (*.h3d)
Hirox: Digital Microscopes (*.csv, *.tdr)
Keyence: Digital Microscopes (*.map, *vk3, *vk4)
Lasertec: Optelics series (*.lms)
Leica: DCM 3D, DVM (*.xml, *.jpg, *.tif)
Lyncée-Tec: (*.dhm, *.bin)
Nikon: Eclipse C1, Nexiv confocal and VMZ, BW-H (*.ics, *.raw, *.sdf)
Olympus: LEXT (*.ols, *.lext)
Sensofar: APX format (*.apx)
Sensofar: PLµ series (*.plu)
Siemens: SIScan MC64 Topographer (*.sip)
Wyko: NT series (Bruker) (*.opd)
Zeiss MicroImaging: LSM (*.lsm)
Zemetrics: ZeGage (*.zmp)
Zeta Instruments (*.zmg)
Zygo: NewView series (*.dat, *.datx)
Scanning Probe Microscopes
RIBM: MS-NEX (*.asd)
Topometrix (*.tfr, *.zfr)
Generic and Additive Manufacturing formats
ISO 5436-2: Softgauge Standard (*.smd)
Open GPS (X3P): Open GPS XML format (ISO 25178-72) (*.x3p)
Other Instruments and formats
3D Shape: µKorad 3D (*.ki)
Visuol Technologies/Techlab: Ondulo (*.res)

System Requirements

  • Operating systems: Windows 10, 64 bits
  • Recommended processor: 
    • standard use: multi-core processor
    • intensive use*: multiple multi-core processors
  • Disk: Minimum: 1 Gb of hard drive free space
  • RAM:
    • Minimum: 4GB
    • Recommended: 8GB
    • Recommended for intensive use*: 32GB
  • Graphics:
    • Minimum: OpenGL 2.0 or Direct X 9.0c support
    • Recommended: Dedicated GPU 1 Gb
  • Screen resolution:
    • Minimum: 1280×768
    • Recommended: Full HD
  • Intensive use is considered:
    • 3D SEM reconstruction with images bigger than 8 Megapixels
    • Surface data files bigger than 8000×8000 points 
    • Large series of images/surfaces
  • Can not install on a network computer

Ordering Information

Please contact us directly if you need additional information or a quote.

Product CodeProductFormat
978EALDB05871Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic PackageDownload
978EALDB06151Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced EditionDownload
978EALDB06342Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with Particle Analysis Add-On (Bundle)Download
978EALDB06359Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with SPM Add-On (Bundle)Download
978EALDB06366Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with SEM Add-On (Bundle)Download
978EALDB06373Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with Profiler Extension Add-On (Bundle)Download
978EALDB06168Particle Analysis Add-OnDownload
978EALDB06175SPM Add-OnDownload
978EALDB06182SEM Add-OnDownload
978EALDB06199Profiler Extension Add-OnDownload

Maintenance plans also available to ensure you are up to date with the latest software.