全新 Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis 为处理、组合和分析各种显微技术生成的图像和数据提供了全面、强大的解决方案。所有工作一个界面全搞定,只为提升您的实验室效率:
- 光谱处理和分析
- 光谱图和图像处理
- 关联分析
- 二维成分数据的三维可视化
用户甚至可以将光谱发送到 Wiley 的 KnowItAll 软件*,对照光谱库进行检索,进一步进行分析。
全面的一体化工具,实现高效分析 | 灵活兼容各类供应商,轻松集成 | 只需一个工作流程,更快挖掘出重要见解 |
强大的工具组合,确保您能够详尽处理和分析表面图像。 |
支持多种文件和仪器格式,即使更换了仪器或显微镜,您的工作流程也无需改动。 |
从显微镜分析直接进入光谱分析——所有工作一个工作流程全搞定,让您更快地得出结论。 |
- 拉曼
- 针尖增强拉曼
- 红外
- 纳米红外
- 荧光
- 光致发光
- 阴极发光
- 配有用于 SEM、SPM、颗粒分析和轮廓测定的附加组件
* 需要 KnowItAll 软件和数据库许可证。
Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic Package
⇒ 光谱处理和分析
- 光谱系列和高光谱图像可视化和分析
- 根据用户选择的光谱带创建光谱图
- 生成参数图
- 应用多变量分析查找重要光谱及其分布情况
- 处理方法包括:基线校正、滤波、峰值拟合
- 一键点击即可将光谱发送到 KnowItAll IDExpert* 数据库中进行搜索,包括拉曼光谱、红外光谱(傅立叶变换红外光谱、衰减全反射光谱、近红外光谱)和紫外可见光谱数据库
*需要 KnowItAll 软件和数据库许可证。
⇒ 光谱图和图像处理
- 处理拉曼、阴极发光、光致发光、荧光、EDX/EDS(能量色散 X 射线光谱)和 EELS(电子能量损失光谱)的光谱图
- 光谱图的处理方法包括:图层混色、调整图像噪声、调整图层之间的透明度
- 图像处理方法包括:应用视觉修正和增强、平滑、去除伪影
⇒ 关联分析
- 将单台仪器或多台仪器(拉曼、EDS/EDX、阴极荧光、荧光等)的图像和光谱图关联起来
- 将不同来源的信息合并成一个单一的、多层面的数据集
⇒ 二维成分数据的三维可视化
- 通过关联显微图像或地形数据,创建二维化学图的三维可视化效果
⇒ SEM 附加组件
支持扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 图像:
- 特征分组着色
- 图像修正和增强
- 精确计算高度和表面粗糙度
- 根据图像生成 3D 效果图
- 将 EDX/EDS 数据与图像相关联
⇒ SPM 附加组件
SPM 支持扫描探针显微镜(STM、AFM 等)文件格式和多通道数据:
- 高级处理(逐行调平、空间滤波器、表面分割、尖端解卷积、线校正、多平面调平)
- 数学函数运算符
⇒ 颗粒分析附加组件
- 基于不同分割原理的特征检测
- 根据形状、高度或大小对颗粒进行分组
- 计算球冠
- 着色
- 保存分类以便重复使用或与他人共享
- 应用遮罩来分割表面
⇒ 轮廓扩展附加组件*
- 计算粗糙度和表面纹理
- 数据校正(异常值、缺陷和噪音)
- 分析表面几何形状
- 将多个点云(从不同角度测量)组合成一个单一点云
*仅作为 Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis Enhanced Edition 的附加组件提供(更多信息见下文)
Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition
也可提供 Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition 高端软件包。
该软件包包含 Basic Package 中的功能以及这些附加组件:
- 颗粒分析和 SPM 附加组件(详见上文)
- 化学立方体附加组件:
成分数据多通道立方体的全面可视化和分析:- 在全三维环境中将材料的体层摄影和化学分析结合起来
- 可对三维立方体进行多种可视化和动画设置
- 提取切片作为彩色图像
- 生成颗粒和晶粒统计数据
Basic Package | Enhanced Edition | ||
支持各种技术 | 拉曼、针尖增强拉曼、红外、纳米红外、荧光、光致发光、阴极发光、EDX/EDS、XRF | X | X |
高光谱图像支持 | 拉曼、红外、紫外可见光 | X | X |
SPM | 力显微分析(AFM、STM) | 附加组件 | X |
颗粒分析 | 含颗粒形状图像工具包 | 附加组件 | X |
化学立方体 | 从二维数据生成三维多层立方体 | 不可用 | X |
SEM | SEM | 附加组件 | 附加组件 |
轮廓仪扩展 | 轮廓测定 | 不可用 | 附加组件 |
KnowItAll 软件和数据库 | 注意:本工作流程目前支持的相关 KnowItAll 光谱数据库:红外光谱、拉曼光谱、紫外可见光谱 | 附加组件 | 附加组件 |
The Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic Package supports the following file formats.
Spectroscopy |
Attolight: Cathodoluminescence hypercubes |
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR (*.axd, *.axz) |
Bruker: Spectra and Hypercubes (*.0) |
CS Instruments (*.nao) |
Delmic: HDF5 Hypercubes (*.h5) |
Edax: SPD Hypercubes (*.spd) |
Flexible Image Transport System: Photon Etc (*.fits) |
Gatan: Digital Micrograph 3 and 4 (*.dm3, *.dm4) |
Harris Geospatial: ENVI software files (*.hdr) |
Horiba: LabSpec 6 software files (*.h5, *.hdf5) |
IGOR Wavemetrix: IBW (*.ibw) |
Leica: Image file (*.lif, *.xlef, *.xlif, *.xllf, *.xlcf) |
NT-MDT: Raman Hypercubes (*.mdt) |
Oxford Instruments (Witec): H5OIWT (*.ardf, *.h5, *.hdf5, *.h5ebsd, *.h5oina, *.h5oiwt) |
Photothermal (CytoSpec): ASCII file for mIRage (*.hvi) |
Specs: 3DS Hypercubes (*.3ds) |
Thermo Fisher: Advantage (*.vgd) |
Thermo Fisher: Galactic (*.spc) |
Thermo Fisher: OMNICxi MAPX file (*.mapx) |
Tokyo Instruments (*.smd, *.s1d) |
Scanning Electron Microscopes |
Medical Research Council, UK: MRC (*.mrc, *.map) |
Zeiss: Evo, Sigma, Merlin (*.sem3d, *.czi, *.zvi) |
Generic & Other Manufacturing formats |
Generic text file (ASCII, Unicode): 1D, 2D, 3D support. Note: Upon opening, a dialog will appear to specify how the data in the file is organized (*.txt, *.asc, *.dat) |
Generic CSV format (*.csv) |
Mountains: profiles and surfaces (*.pro, *.sur) |
OBJ format(*.obj) |
Omicron: SCALA (*.par) |
Omicron: Matrix (*.mtrx, *_mtrix) |
Polygon File format (*.ply) |
STL/Triangulated surfaces (Stereo Lithography Format): An STL studiable can be imported as a shell or as a surface (*.stl) |
Universal data file (SDF) (*.sdf) |
Image formats |
Windows Bitmap image (*.bmp) |
EMF image (*.emf) |
GIF image (*.gif) |
JPEG image (*.jpg, *.jpeg) |
PNG image (*.png) |
TIFF image (*.tif, *.tiff) |
TIFF surface (*.tif, *.tiff) |
WMF image (*.wmf) |
Support for the file formats listed below is included for SPM add-on, when paired to the main configuration of Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis.
2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact) |
Digital Surf (*.pro, *.sur, *.spro, *.ssur, *.disc) |
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes |
NanoSystem: NanoView WLI (*.spm) |
Scanning Probe Microscopes |
AFMWorkshop (*.csv, *.wsf) |
Agilent Technologies/Keysight: All AFMs, PicoMap (*.stp, *.mi, *.ivs) |
Anfatec Instruments AG (*.txt) |
Attocube (*.bcrf, *.bcr) |
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR, AFM, SNOM (*.axd, *.axz) |
APE Research (*.dat) |
CSM Instruments/Anton Paar: NanoIndenter (*.sis) |
Gwyddion: GSF Format (simple Fields), GWY format, DUMP format (*.gsf, *.gwy, *.dump) |
Hitachi: Finetech AFM (*.afm, *.afp) |
Image Metrology: BCR-STM format (*.bcr) |
JPK: surfaces (*.jpk, *.jpk-qi-image, *.force) |
JPK: force surves (*.jpk-force, *.jpk-force-map, *.jpk-qi-data) |
Nanonics: MultiView (*.nan) |
Nanonis: DAT (*.dat, *.sxm) |
Nanoscan: PPMS-AFM (*.xml) |
Nanosurf: Nanite, EasyScan, Nanosurf Report (*.ezd, *.nid) |
NT-MDT: NTegra, Solver (*.mdt) |
Omicron (*.flat) |
Oxford Instruments (*.hdf5, *.ardf, *.h5ebsde, *.h5oina) |
Park Systems/PSIA: XE series, PS-PTT (*.tif, *.ps-ppt) |
Quesant/Ambios: Q-Scope (*.afm, *.txt) |
RHK (*.sm3, *.sm4) |
SII Nanotechnology: Nanopics, SPA-Series (*.xqt) |
Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition supports the file formats listed above for the main product configuration, plus these additional formats.
Spectroscopy |
Igor Binary Wave (*.ibw) |
Specs: 3DS Hypercubes (*.3ds) |
2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact) |
Digital Surf (*.pro, *.sur, *.spro, *.ssur, *.disc) |
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes |
NanoSystem: NanoView WLI (*.spm) |
Scanning Probe Microscopes |
AFMWorkshop (*.csv, *.wsf) |
Agilent Technologies/Keysight: All AFMs, PicoMap (*.stp, *.mi, *.ivs) |
Anfatec Instruments AG (*.txt) |
Attocube (*.bcrf, *.bcr) |
Anasys Instruments: NanoIR, AFM, SNOM (*.axd, *.axz) |
APE Research (*.dat) |
CSM Instruments/Anton Paar: NanoIndenter (*.sis) |
Gwyddion: GSF Format (simple Fields), GWY format, DUMP format (*.gsf, *.gwy, *.dump) |
Hitachi: Finetech AFM (*.afm, *.afp) |
Image Metrology: BCR-STM format (*.bcr) |
JPK: surfaces (*.jpk, *.jpk-qi-image, *.force) |
JPK: force surves (*.jpk-force, *.jpk-force-map, *.jpk-qi-data) |
Nanonics: MultiView (*.nan) |
Nanonis: DAT (*.dat, *.sxm) |
Nanoscan: PPMS-AFM (*.xml) |
Nanosurf: Nanite, EasyScan, Nanosurf Report (*.ezd, *.nid) |
NT-MDT: NTegra, Solver (*.mdt) |
Omicron (*.flat) |
Oxford Instruments (*.hdf5, *.ardf, *.h5ebsde, *.h5oina) |
Park Systems/PSIA: XE series, PS-PTT (*.tif, *.ps-ppt) |
Quesant/Ambios: Q-Scope (*.afm, *.txt) |
RHK (*.sm3, *.sm4) |
SII Nanotechnology: Nanopics, SPA-Series (*.xqt) |
Support for the file formats listed below is included for Profiler Extension add-on, when paired to the Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition.
2D/3D Profilometers (contact and non-contact) |
Accretech/TSK: Surfcom Series (*.rs3, *.s3d) |
Ametek: see Taylor Hobson below |
Digital Metrology: Omnisurf software (*.sig) |
Hommel-Etamic/Hommelwerke: Wavespeed, Turbo Profil software, T8000, NanoSwing, HommelMap (*.pip, *.top, *.hwp, *.hwh, *.xml) |
KLA-Tencor: P-16+, P-Series, Alpha-Step IQ, Alpha-Step 500, Nanopics, Apex (*.3dd, *.dat, *.rwb, *.rwt, *.map, *.amb, *.xml, *.wli) |
Mahr: Perthometer Concept (*.pcd, *.prf) |
Mitaka Kohki: NH series, MitakaMap (*.am2, *.am3) |
Mitutoyo: SV-Series, CS-Series (*.udf, *.sja, *.rcb, *.pra) |
NanoFocus: LaserScan, µScan, µSoft (*.oms, *.nms, *.sur) |
Nikon: Nexiv VMR (*.csv, *.asc) |
Optimet: ConoScan (*.job) |
Scantron: ProScan (*.prn) |
Somicronic/Hommel: SurfaScan (*.pro, *.mes) |
Taylor Hobson: TalySurf CLI, Form TalySurf Series, Ultra software, TalyMap, TalyProfile, TalyScan, Surtronic, TalyStep, Nanostep, PGI Novus (*.map, *.mod, *.prf, *.pro, *.sur, *.str, *.sth) |
UBM: MicroFocus (*.ub2, *.ub3, *.ua2, *.ua3) |
Confocal, Interference and Focus variation Microscopes |
4D Technology (*.h5) |
ADE Phase Shift/KLA-Tencor: MicroXAM (*.map, *.mat) |
Alicona: InfiniteFocus, MeX (*.al3d, *.alrl3d) |
Helicon: Focus variation files (*.h3d) |
Hirox: Digital Microscopes (*.csv, *.tdr) |
Keyence: Digital Microscopes (*.map, *vk3, *vk4) |
Lasertec: Optelics series (*.lms) |
Leica: DCM 3D, DVM (*.xml, *.jpg, *.tif) |
Lyncée-Tec: (*.dhm, *.bin) |
Nikon: Eclipse C1, Nexiv confocal and VMZ, BW-H (*.ics, *.raw, *.sdf) |
Olympus: LEXT (*.ols, *.lext) |
Sensofar: APX format (*.apx) |
Sensofar: PLµ series (*.plu) |
Siemens: SIScan MC64 Topographer (*.sip) |
Wyko: NT series (Bruker) (*.opd) |
Zeiss MicroImaging: LSM (*.lsm) |
Zemetrics: ZeGage (*.zmp) |
Zeta Instruments (*.zmg) |
Zygo: NewView series (*.dat, *.datx) |
Scanning Probe Microscopes |
RIBM: MS-NEX (*.asd) |
Topometrix (*.tfr, *.zfr) |
Generic and Additive Manufacturing formats |
ISO 5436-2: Softgauge Standard (*.smd) |
Open GPS (X3P): Open GPS XML format (ISO 25178-72) (*.x3p) |
Other Instruments and formats |
3D Shape: µKorad 3D (*.ki) |
Visuol Technologies/Techlab: Ondulo (*.res) |
- Operating systems: Windows 10, 64 bits
- Recommended processor:
- standard use: multi-core processor
- intensive use*: multiple multi-core processors
- Disk: Minimum: 1 Gb of hard drive free space
- RAM:
- Minimum: 4GB
- Recommended: 8GB
- Recommended for intensive use*: 32GB
- Graphics:
- Minimum: OpenGL 2.0 or Direct X 9.0c support
- Recommended: Dedicated GPU 1 Gb
- Screen resolution:
- Minimum: 1280×768
- Recommended: Full HD
- Intensive use is considered:
- 3D SEM reconstruction with images bigger than 8 Megapixels
- Surface data files bigger than 8000×8000 points
- Large series of images/surfaces
- Can not install on a network computer
产品代码 | 产品 | 格式 |
978EALDB05871 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Basic Package | 下载 |
978EALDB06151 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis – Enhanced Edition | 下载 |
978EALDB06342 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with Particle Analysis Add-On (Bundle) | 下载 |
978EALDB06359 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with SPM Add-On (Bundle) | 下载 |
978EALDB06366 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with SEM Add-On (Bundle) | 下载 |
978EALDB06373 | Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis with Profiler Extension Add-On (Bundle) | 下载 |
978EALDB06168 | Particle Analysis Add-On | 下载 |
978EALDB06175 | SPM Add-On | 下载 |
978EALDB06182 | SEM Add-On | 下载 |
978EALDB06199 | Profiler Extension Add-On | 下载 |