Wiley SmartSpectra Database Collections
Identification of unknown compounds is now one step closer
Access to curated, high-quality comprehensive spectral libraries can have a tremendous impact on your lab’s analytical workflow. As a leader in spectral data, Wiley continues to innovate in this area.
Derived from Wiley’s high-quality, comprehensive empirical reference datasets, including Sadtler spectra, the new Wiley SmartSpectra Database Collections will make your lab more efficient.
Identification of unknowns within the known chemical space—especially for rarer compounds and materials, when a match cannot be found in your empirical spectral databases—is now at hand.
Explore our Wiley SmartSpectra Collections
Expanded coverage for enhanced analysis
Derived from trusted, quality data
Validated by SMEs
Smart Bundles
Ask about cost-effective “Smart Bundles” with Wiley KnowItAll Databases, SmartSpectra, and spectral analysis tools to increase your lab’s productivity.