LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons and Their Metabolites, 2nd Edition

Technique: LC-MS Spectral Databases

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Optimize your metabolite-based LC-MSn screening and minimize false negative results

The Maurer/Wissenbach/Weber LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, Second Edition provides a proven metabolite-based LCMSn screening method and MS2 and MS3 spectra of over 2,270 parent compounds and over 3,600 of their metabolites, making it one of the only LC-MSn screening libraries that focuses on metabolite spectra.

The second edition was developed for forensic and clinical research and routine labs to quickly and accurately confirm and identify drugs, poisons, and/or their metabolites. Detection of metabolites increases the sensitivity, detection window and selectivity, allows confirmation of the body passage, and minimizes the risk of false negative LC-MS results possibly caused by ion suppression of the target analyte. Even the risk of false positive results can be reduced considering the metabolite patterns.

LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, Second Edition includes instrument specific training inserts covering details on:

  • Sample preparation methods
  • Applied chromatographic conditions
  • Applied MS settings

Library Specifications

Spectra: > 13,000
Structures: 10,787
Toxicologically Relevant Compounds: > 2,270
Metabolites/Artifacts: > 3,600
Endogenous Molecules/Impurities: 90 



Ordering Information

Product CodeProductFormat
978EALDB06731Maurer, Wissenbach, Weber: LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons, and Their Metabolites, Second Edition (Annual Subscription)KnowItAll subscription
9783527346493Maurer/Wissenbach/Weber LC-MSn Library of Drugs, Poisons and Their Metabolites, Second EditionCD