Unraveling the antimicrobial efficacy and chemical fingerprinting of medicinal plants against the WHO's prioritized pathogens

Technique: GC-MS

Applications: Metabolomics, Pharmaceutical & Biotech

Products: KnowItAll GC-MS Library, KnowItAll Software, NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library, Wiley Registry

This study assesses the antimicrobial activity of extracts from Alstonia scholaris, Orthosiphon aristatus, Sphaeranthus amaranthoides, Crateva magna and Garcinia travancorica as potential alternatives to drug-resistant bacteria and Candida pathogens. Chemical fingerprinting of the GC-MS bioactive compounds was carried out using the Wiley KnowItAll Mass Spectral Library as well as the NIST MS library.

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